Association Management

Executive Board Member

Vladislav Kaputa, Ph.D.
Vladislav Kaputa, Ph.D.
Technical University in Zvolen,
T.G: Masaryka 24, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovakia
Phone: ;

Vladislav Kaputa is member of WoodEMA association since 2007. He is senior teacher and researcher at the Department of Marketing, Trade and World Forestry, Technical University in Zvolen (Slovakia) in the area of International Marketing and Trade, International Management, and International Economic Relations. PhD degree in Industrial Economics: Economics of Trade and Industry dedicated to “Attitudes of consumers and companies towards environmental attributes of wood products”.

His research areas include broader issues of forest-based sector, especially forest products trade and marketing (analyses of stakeholders and business environment, marketing strategies, consumers’ preferences), as well as market-related social and environmental issues. He also:

  • implemented several scientific projects via national grant projects, 6th Framework Program, OP Research and Development, OP Education or as the MC member of the COST Action projects,
  • run teaching mobility (Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus) – giving lectures at foreign universities and institutions,
  • experienced professional stays at the University of Life Sciences in Poznan (the Lane Kirkland Scholarships Programme), Kenya Forest Research Institute and other institutions,
  • registered over 100 published outcomes and made number of conference presentations.

About Association


Association Management


Roman Dudík, Ph.D.
Roman Dudík, Ph.D.

Candidate for President

Matej Jošt, Ph.D.
Matej Jošt, Ph.D.

Executive Board Members

Andreja Pirc Barčić, Ph.D.
Andreja Pirc Barčić, Ph.D.

Vladislav Kaputa, Ph.D.
Vladislav Kaputa, Ph.D.

Daniela Georgijeva, Ph.D.
Daniela Giorgieva, Ph.D.

Supervisory Board Members

Mikuláš Šupín, Ph.D.
Mikuláš Šupín, Ph.D.

Prof. Leon Oblak, Ph.D.
Prof. Leon Oblak, Ph.D.

Darko_Motik, Ph.D.
Darko_Motik, Ph.D.

General Secretary

Prof. Denis Jelačić, Ph.D.
Denis Jelačić, Ph.D.