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Country | Database | Authors | Title | Journal / Proceedeings | DOI / ISBN |
CRO | Current Contents | Sertić Basarac, M., Pirc Barčić, A., Klarić, K. (2018) | Economic Determinants and Analysis of the European Union Wood Industry SMEs Employment | Bioresources, 13 (1): 522-534 | 10.15376/biores.13.1.522-534 |
CRO | Current Contents | Kaputa, V., Barčić Pirc, A., Matova, H., Motik, D. (2018) | Consumer Preferences for Wooden Furniture in Croatia and Slovakia | Bioresources, 13(3): 6280-6299 | 10.1537/biores.13.3.6280-6299 |
CRO | Current Contents | Dušak, M., Jelačić, D., Pirc Barčić, A., Novakova, R. (2017) | Improvements to the Production Management System of Wood-processing in Small and Medium Enterprises in Southeast Europe | Bioresources, 12 (2): 3303-3315 | 10.15376/biores.12.2.3303-3315 |
CRO | Current Contents | Barčić, A. P., Motik, D., Oblak, L., and Vlosky, R. (2016) | Management activity linkages to innovation deconstruction: An exploratory study of the furniture industry in Croatia | Bioresources, 11(2), 3987-4005 | 10.1537/biores.11.2.3987-4005 |
CRO | Current Contents | Pirc Barčić, A., Vlosky, R., Motik, D. | Deconstructing Innovation: An Exploratory Study of the US Furniture Industry | Forest Product Journal, 61(8): 635-643 | |
CRO | Current Contents | Faletar, J., Jelačić, D., Sedliačikova, M., Jazbec, A., Hajduchova, I. (2016) | Motivating employees in a wood processing company before and after restructuring | Bioresources, 11 (2), 2504-2515 | 10.15376/biores.11.1.2504-2515 |
CRO | Current Contents | Jelačić, D., Grladinović, T., Pirc, A., Oblak, L. (2010) | Motivation factors analysis in industrial plants | Strojarstvo, 52 (3), 349-361 | |
CRO | Current Contents | Motik, D., Kusa, A., Jazbec, A., Jelačić, D. (2004) | Comparison of furniture demand in Croatia and Slovakia | Forest Products Journal, 54 (12), 85-89 | |
CRO | Current Contents | Grladinović, T., Benić, D., Grbavac, V., Jelačić, D. (2003) | A dynamic system of material flows in wood industry companies | Strojarstvo, 45(1-3), 65-73 | |
CRO | Current Contents | Pirc Barčić, A., Kitek Kuzman, M., Vergot, T., Grošelj, P. (2021) | Monitoring Consumer Purchasing Behavior for Wood Furniture before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Forests, 12 (7), 873-887 | 10.3390/f12070873 |
CRO | Current Contents | Jelačić, D., Pirc Barčić, A., Oblak, L., Motik, D., Grošelj, P., Jošt, M. (2021) | Sustainable Production Management Model for Small and Medium Enterprises in Some South-Central EU Countries | Sustainability, 13 (11), 1-16 | 10.3390/su13116220 |
CRO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Kitek Kuzman, M., Pirc Barčić, A., Vlosky, R.P., Janakieska, M.M., Grošelj, P. (2018) | Architect perceptions of engineered wood products: An exploratory study of selected countries in Central and Southeast Europe | Construction and Building Materials, 179: 360-370 | 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.05.164 |
CRO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Oblak, L., Pirc Barčić, A., Klarić, K., Kitek Kuzman, M., Grošelj, P. (2017) | Evaluation of Factors in Buying Decision Process of Furniture Consumers by Applying AHP Method | Drvna industrija, 68 (5): 37-43 | 10.5552/drind.2017.1625 |
CRO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Pirc Barčić, A., Motik, D., Paluš, H., Klarić, K., Liker, K., Oblak, L. (2016) | Analysis of furniture selling place in Croatia, Slovenia and Slovakia | Drvna industrija, 67 (3): 257-262 | 10.5552/drind.2016.1545 |
CRO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Liker, K., Pirc Barčić, A., Motik, D. (2015) | Proizvodni troškovi kao osnovni čimbenik konkurentnosti pilanske prerade četinjača (Production Costs as a Basic Factor of Competitiveness of Softwood Sawmilling) | Drvna industrija, 66(4): 289-296 | 10.5552/drind.2015.1435 |
CRO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Jelačić. D., Oblak, L., Petrović, S., Moro, M., Pirc Barčić, A., Čošić, V., Meloska, Ž. (2012) | Wood sector media promotion in some South-East european countries | Drvna industrija, 63 (3): 195-203 | 10.5552/drind.2012.1218 |
CRO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Jelačić, D., Moro, M., Drabek, J., Sujova, A. (2012) | Motivation factors in wood processing plants | Wood Research, 57 (2): 317-330 | |
CRO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Jelačić, D., Matova, H., Bičanić, K. (2010) | Perception of corporate identity in Croatian and Slovakian wood processing and furniture manufacturing companies | Drvna industrija, 61 (2): 103-110 | |
CRO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Jelačić, D., Hornakova, R., Pirc, A., Meloska, Ž. (2009) | Seeking and implementation of innovation opportunities | Wood research, 54 (4): 129-142 | |
CRO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Jelačić, D., Grladinović, T., Sujova, A., Galajdova, V. (2008) | Motivirajući čimbenici u preradi drva i proizvodnji namještaja (Motivating factors in wood processing and furniture manufacturing) | Drvna industrija, 59 (1): 11-21 | |
CRO | Scopus | Pirc Barčić, A. (2018) | Environmental labeling: obsticle or advantage in recognizing wood producsts in international markets | Increasing the Use of Wood in the Global Bio-Economy, WoodEMA 2018: 82-89 | |
CRO | Scopus | Barcic, A.P., Oblak, L., Motik, D., Govedic, T. B., Kopljar, A., Vukovic, A. (2018) | Street furniture in Croatia and Slovenia - Park users requirements for (WOOD) urban equipment | Increasing the Use of Wood in the Global Bio-Economy, WoodEMA 2018: 46-55 | |
CRO | Scopus | Jelačić, D., Oblak, L., Sedliačikova, M., Meloska, Ž. (2006) | Investicije v podjetja za predelavo lesa in proizvodnjo pohištva v nekaterih državah srednje in jugovzahodne evrope (Investments to companies of wood processing and furniture manufactuing in some Central and South East European countries) | Les, 58 (1-2): 9-13 | |
CRO | Scopus | Oblak, L., Jelačić, D., Drabek, J. (2002) | Drvno gospodarstvo kao izvor onečišćenja zraka (Wood sector as a source of air pollution) | Drvna industrija, 53 (2): 83-92 | |
CRO | Scopus | Jelačić, D., Oblak, L. (1999) | Planiranje zalog z metodo diskretnega determinističnega dinamičnega programiranja (Stock planning with a method of discrete deteministic dynamic programing) | Les, 51 (7-8): 212-214 | |
CRO | Scopus | Jelačić, D., Motik, D. (1994) | Celostna kontrola kakovosti v sistemu vodenja proizvodnje – JIT (Total quality control in production management system – JIT) | Les, 47 (11): 337-340 | |
CRO | Scopus | Jelačić, D. (1995) | Pravila terminiranja i reterminiranja u proizvodnim sustavima drvne industrije (Rules of scheduling and re-scheduling in production systems of wood industry) | Drvna industrija, 46 (4): 203-212 | |
CRO | Conference proceedings | Pirc Barčić, A., Motik, D., Tretinjak, D.J., Damjanović, I., Kremenjaš, K. (2017) | Wood furniture assortment market analysis: proglems & perspectives in Croatia | More wood, better management, increasing effectiveness: Starting points and perspectives (WoodEMA 2017): 179-185 | 978-80-213-2761-0 |
CRO | Conference proceedings | Pirc Barčić, A., Motik, D., Slivar, V., Hideg, I., Belina, L., Klanfar, F. (2016) | Wood products usage in rural tourism building | Path Forward for Wood Products: A Global Perspective (WoodEMA 2016): 167-172 | 978-0-692-76612-5 |
CRO | Conference proceedings | Klarić, K., Motik, D., Pirc Barčić, A. (2016) | Financial aspects of FSC and CoC wood industry certificate holders | Path Forward for Wood Products: A Global Perspective (WoodEMA 2016): 143-148 | 978-0-692-76612-5 |
CRO | Conference proceedings | Pirc Barčić, A., Liker, B., Motik, D., Moro, M. (2015) | Posibilities of increasing renewable energy resources in Croatia | Wood processing and furniture manufacturing challenges on the world market (WoodEMA 2015): 277-284 | 978–953–57822–4–7 |
CRO | Conference proceedings | Perić, I., Klarić, K., Pirc Barčić, A. (2018) | Business innovation in Croatian wood products industry companies | Use of Wood in the Global Bio-Economy (WoodEMA 2018): 147-156 | 978-86-7299-277-9 |
CRO | Conference proceedings | Jelačić, D., Faletar, J., Previšić, M. (2014) | Changes in motivation and stimulation system in a wood processing company | Position and role off the forest based sector in the green economy (WoodEMA 2014): 52-57 | 978-953-57822-1-6 |
CRO | Conference proceedings | Jelačić, D., Pirc Barčić, A., Ćošić, V. (2012) | Promotion of Croatian wood industry branch | Wood and Furniture Industry in Times of Change – New Trends and challenges (WoodEMA 2012): 23-29 | 978-80-8105-374-0 |
CRO | Conference proceedings | Jelačić, D., Bičanić, K., Motik, D. (2010) | Croatian wood processing and furniture manufacturing in a time of crisis | Ekonomika a menažment podnikov, 2010: 70-76 | |
CRO | Conference proceedings | Jelačić, D., Grladinović, T. (2007) | Motivation factors analysis in Croatian wood processing firms | Perspectives and challenges in wood technology: 395-400 | (ISSN) 9989-132-10-0 |
CRO | Conference proceedings | Jelačić, D. (2005) | Investments in Croatian wood processing | Foreign investments to wood processing branche: 45-49 | 80-228-1597-7 |
CRO | Conference proceedings | Kremenjaš, K., Klarić, K., Perić, I. (2021) | The Importance of Integrated Information Systems in Time of Covid-19 Crisis | The response of forest-based sector to changes in global economy (WoodEMA 2021): 221-227 | 978-961-6144-41-4 |
CRO | Conference proceedings | Perić, I., Kremenjaš, K., Pirc Barčić, A., Klarić, K. (2019) | Role of Integrated Information Systems in Wood Processing Companies | Implementation of wood science in woodworking sector (WoodEMA 2019): 162-168 | 978-953-292-062-8 |
CRO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Pirc Barčić, A., Motik, D., Vlosky, R.P. (2017) | Innovation in wood industry | Chapter in scientific book „Innovations in foresty, wood processing and furniture manufacturing“: 1-18 | 978-953-57822-6-1 |
CRO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Pirc Barčić, A., Motik, D., Moro, M., Liker, K. (2014) | Innovation profiles and possibilities of investments development of Croatian furniture industry companies | Chapter in scientific book „ Investments to forests and forest based production": 113-122 | 978-953-57822-2-3 |
CRO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Moro, M., Motik, D., Pirc Barčić, A., Šegotić, K. (2014) | Employment trends in the Croatian wood processing and furniture manufacturing | Chapter in scientific book „Investments to forests and forest based production": 187-200 | 978-953-57822-2-3 |
CRO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Moro, M., Motik, D., Šegotić, K., Pirc Barčić, A. (2013) | Trends in foreign trade of the primary and secondary wood products | Chapter in scientific book 'Markets of wood and wooden products": 109-134 | 978-953-57822-0-9 |
CRO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Motik, D., Pirc Barčić, A., Moro, M. (2013) | Consumption of selected wood product in Croatian and international markets | Chapter in scientific book 'Markets of wood and wooden products": 137-149 | 978-953-57822-0-9 |
CRO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Faletar, J., Jelačić, D., Oblak, L., Petrović, S., Stasiak-Betlejewska, R.(2014) | Investments to wood sector printed media promotion in some European countries | Chapter in scientific book „Investments to forests and forest based production“: 201-209 | 978-953-57822-5-4 |
CRO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Jelačić, D., Motik, D., Petrović, S., Oblak, L., Moro, M. (2012) | Image of wood processing and furniture manufacturing in South East Europe | Chapter in scientific book “Toyotarity – Value engineering in production processes”: 83-98 | 978-961-6582-60-7 |
CRO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Jelačić, D. (2011) | Wood substitution materials – environmental issues | Chapter in scientific book “Service processes improvement”: 154-168 | 953-97777-4-7 |
CRO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Jelačić, D. (1995) | Development of production management | Chapter in science book “Production systems in wood industry V”: 27-42 | 953-6307-10-3 |
CRO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Jelačić, D. (1992) | Karakteristični tehnološki procesi u drvnoj industriji (Characteristic technologica processes in wood industry) | Chapter in scientific book "Production systems in wood industry I": 151-310 | 86-8159-01-1 |
CRO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Perić, I., Klarić, K., Kremenjaš, K. (2022) | ERP Implementation Factors in Wood Processing Industry: FMEA Analysis | chapter in scientific book ''Controlling of business and production processes in Forest based industry'': 65-78 | 978-953-57822-9-2 |
CRO | Scientific projects | Pirc Barčić, A., Motik, D., Jelačić, D., Moro, M., Oblak, L., Kitek Kuzman, M. | The role of wood industry in eco-innovation development for a sustainable society – part I | ||
CRO | Scientific projects | Pirc Barčić, A., Motik, D., Jelačić, D., Moro, M., Oblak, L., Kitek Kuzman, M. | The role of wood industry in eco-innovation development for a sustainable society – part II. | ||
CRO | Scientific projects | Motik., D., Jelačić, D., Pirc Barčić, A. | Analysis of wood industry in Croatia – Vukovarsko-Srijemska County and Primorsko goranska County; suradnik; ID:WOOD (SEE/D/0227/1.2/X-Pins-4) – Bringing the gaps between productive sector and knowledge based pole sin South-East Europe | ||
CRO | Scientific projects | Jelačić, D., Motik, D. Pirc Barčić, A., Moro, M. | Sustainable ecosystem management in wood processing and furniture production | ||
CRO | Scientific projects | Jelačić, D., Motik, D., Pirc Barčić, A., Moro, M., Faletar, J., Dušak, M. | Potrajno ekosustavno gospodarenje u preradi drva i proizvodnji namještaja (Sustainable eco-system management in wood processing and furniture manufacturing) | ||
CRO | Scientific projects | Jelačić, D., Grladinović, T. | Adaptivno upravljanje procesima u proizvodnji proizvoda od drva (Adaptive process management in production of wood products) | ||
CRO | Scientific projects | Jelačić, D. | Ekosustavno gospodarenje u preradbi drva (Eco-system management in wood processing) | ||
CRO | Scientific projects | Sannes, B., Jelačić, D. and all other members FAO/ECE team for public relationship in forestry and wood processing | The environmental promotion of wood substitute industries | ||
CRO | Scientific projects | Mihulja, G., Jirouš Rajković, V., Jelačić, D. and many members of Wood Science departments of Faculty of Forestry | Development of higher education qualification standards and study programmes on the basis of croqf for wood industry sector | ||
CRO | Professional projects | Motik, D., Pirc, A. | Furniture and wood products market research – for the needs of the Wood Cluster of Vukovar-Srijem County | ||
CRO | Professional projects | Motik, D., Posavec, S., Pirc Barčić, A., Bičanić, K., Moro, M., Perić, I. | Analysis and consumption trends of wood and wooden products in Croatia | ||
CRO | Professional projects | Motik, D., Pirc Barčić, A. | Development of national methodology for calculating carbon stocks in wood products | ||
CRO | Professional projects | Jelačić, D. | sistematizacija radnih mjesta u poduzeću Spačva (Work place systematization in a company) | ||
CRO | Professional projects | Jelačić, D. | Vrednovanje rada u poduzeću Spačva (Work evaluation in a company) | ||
CRO | Professional projects | Jelačić, D. | Sustav stimulacije i motivacije u poduzeću Spačva (Motivation and stimulation system in a company) | ||
CRO | Professional projects | Jelačić, D. | Priručnik za siguran rad na strojevima i uređajima u pogonima za proizvodnju namještaja Hespo (Safety work manual for furniture manufacturing plants) | ||
CRO | Professional projects | Jelačič, D., Motik, D. | Utvrđivanje i uspostavljanje normativa vremena u poduzeću Tanin (Time standards establishment in a company plant) | ||
SVK | Current Contents | Gejdoš, M., Vlčková, M., Allmanová, Z., Balážová, Ž. (2019) | Trends in Workplace Injuries in Slovak Forest Enterprises | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 16(1): 141 | 10.3390/ijerph16010141 |
SVK | Current Contents | Potkány, M., Gejdoš, M., Debnár, M. (2018) | Sustainable Innovation Approach for Wood Quality Evaluation in Green Business | Sustainability, Vol. 10(9), 2984 | 10.3390/su10092984 |
SVK | Current Contents | Lieskovský, M., Gejdoš, M., Messingerová, V., Němec, M., Danihelová, Z., Moravčíková, V. (2017) | Biological Risks from Long-Term Storage of Wood Chips | Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 26(6), p. 2633-2641 | 10.15244/pjoes/70630 |
SVK | Current Contents | Danihelová, A., Čulík, M., Němec, M., Gejdoš, M., Danihelová, Z. (2015) | Modified Wood of Black Locust - Alternative to Honduran Rosewood in the Production of Xylophones | Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 127(1), p. 106-109 | 10.12693/APhysPolA.127.106 |
SVK | Current Contents | Suchomel, J., Belanová, K., Gejdoš, M., Němec, M., Danihelová, A., Mašková, Z. (2014) | Analysis of Fungi in Wood Chip Storage Piles | Bioresources, Vol. 9(3), p. 4410-4420 | |
SVK | Current Contents | Kaputa, V., Paluš, H., Vlosky, R. P., (2016) | Barriers for Wood Processing Companies to Enter Foreign Markets: A Case Study in Slovakia | European journal of wood and wood products, vol. 74, no. 1, p. 109-122. | 10.1007/s00107-015-0954-5 |
SVK | Current Contents | Kaputa, V., Pirc Barčić, A., Maťová, H., Motik, D. (2018) | Consumer Preferences for Wooden Furniture in Croatia and Slovakia | BioResources, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 6280-6299 | 10.15376/biores.13.3.6280-6299 |
SVK | Current Contents | Parobek, J., Paluš, H., Kaputa, V., Šupín, M. (2014) | Analysis of Wood Flows in Slovakia | BioResources, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 6453-6462 | 10.15376/biores.9.4.6453-6462 |
SVK | Current Contents | Paluš, H., Parobek, J., Dzian, M., Šupín, M. (2018) | Determinants of sawnwood consumption in Slovakia | BioResources, vol. 13, no. 2, p. 3615-3626 | 10.15376/biores.13.2.3615-3626 |
SVK | Current Contents | Parobek, J., Paluš, H., Moravčík, M., Kovalčík, M., Dzian, M., Murgaš, V., Šimo-Svrček, S. (2019) | Changes in carbon balance of harvested wood products resulting from different wood utilization scenarios | Forests. vol. 10, issue 7, art. no. 590 [13 p.] | 10.3390/f10070590 |
SVK | Current Contents | Paluš, H., Parobek, J., Moravčík, M., Kovalčík, M., Dzian, M., Murgaš, V. (2020) | Projecting climate change potential of harvested wood products under different scenarios of wood production and utilization: study of Slovakia. | Sustainability. vol. 12, issue 6, art. no. 2510 [16 p.] | 10.3390/su12062510 |
SVK | Current Contents | Maťová, H., Triznová, M. O., Kaputa, V., Loučanová, E., Vlosky, R. P. (2024) | Strategic Environmental Consumer Segmentation: An Exploratory Case Study in Slovakia | Sage Open, 14(1) | 10.1177/21582440241240638 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Gergeľ, T., Bucha, T., Gejdoš, M., Vyhnáliková, Z. (2019) | Computed tomography log scanning - high technology for forestry and forest based industry | Central European Forestry Journal, Vol. 65(1), p. 51-59 | 10.2478/forj-2019-0003 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Gejdoš, M., Gergeľ, T., Jeřábek, K., Hřebíček, Z. (2018) | Optimization of Transport Logistics for Forest Biomass | Naše More, Vol. 65(4), p. 246-249 | 10.17818/NM/2018/4SI.15 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Gejdoš, M., Potkány, M. (2017) | Prediction and Analysis of Slovakian Timber Trade on Global Market Conditions | Serbian Journal of Management, Vol. 12(2), p. 283-291 | 10.5937/sjm12-11228 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Potkány, M., Stasiak-Betlejewska, R., Kovac, R., Gejdoš, M. (2016) | Outsourcing in contidions of SMEs - The Potential for Cost Savings | Polish Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 13(1), p. 145-156 | 10.17512/pjms.2016.13.1.14 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Gejdoš, M., Danihelová, Z. (2015) | Valuation and Timber Market in the Slovak Republic | Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 34, p. 697-703 | 10.1016/S2212-5671(15)01688-3 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Maťová, H., Kaputa, V. (2018) | Attitudes of Active and Upcoming Architects Towards Wood: The Case Study in Slovakia | Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen 8, vol. 60, no. 2, p. 199-209. | 10.17423/afx.2018.60.2.19 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Jošt, M., Kaputa, V., Nosáľová, M., Pirc Barčić, A., Perić, I., Oblak, L. (2020) | Changes in Customer Preferences for Furniture in Slovenia | Drvna industrija, vol. 71, broj 2, s. 149-156. | 10.5552/drvind.2020.1967 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Pirc Barčić, A., Grošelj, P., Oblak, L., Motik, D., Kaputa, V., Glavonjić, B., Bego, M., Perić, I. (2020) | Possibilities of Increasing Renewable Energy in Croatia, Slovenia and Slovakia - Wood Pellets | Drvna industrija, vol. 71, broj 4, s. 395-402. | 10.5552/drvind.2020.2024 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Paluš, H., Kaputa, V. (2009) | Survey of Attitudes Towards Forest and Chain of Custody Certification in the Slovak Republic | Drewno, vol. 52, nr. 182, s. 65-81. | |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Paluš, H., Maťová, H., Kaputa, V. (2012) | Consumer Preferences for Joinery Products and Furniture in Slovakia and Poland | Acta facultatis xylologiae, roč. 54, č. 2, s. 123-132 | |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Loučanová, E., Olšiaková, M., Dzian, M. 2018 | Suitability of innovative marketing communication forms in the furniture industry | Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen vol. 60, no. 1, p. 159-171 | 10.17423/afx.2018.60.1.17 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Paluš, H., Parobek, J. Dzian, M., Šimo-Svrček, S., Krahulcová, M. 2019 | How companies in the wood supply chain perceive the forest certification | Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen vol. 61, no. 1, p. 155-165 | 10.17423/afx.2019.61.1.15 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Sedliačiková, M., Kocianová, A., Dzian, M., Drábek, J. 2020 | Product sampling as a sale promotion tool | Marketyng i menedžment innovacij, vol. 11, issue 1, p. 136-148 | 10.21272/mmi.2020.1-11 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Sedliačiková, M., Kocianová, A., Dzian, M., Moresová, M., Drábek, J. 2020 | Product sampling effect on purchase decision also by social aspects | Marketyng i menedžment innovacij, vol. 11, issue 3, p. 222-233 | 10.21272/mmi.2020.3-16 |
SVK | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Loučanová, E., Paluš, H., Báliková, K.,Dzian, M., Slašťanová, N., Šálka, J. 2020 | Stakeholders' perceptions of the innovation trends in the Slovak forestry and forest-based sectors | Journal of business economics and management. vol. 21, issue 6, p. 1610-1627 | 10.3846/jbem.2020.13503 |
SVK | Scopus | Gejdoš, M., Vlčková, M. (2017) | Analysis of work accidents in timber transport in Slovakia | MATEC – Web of Conferences, Vol. 134, Article No. 00014 | 10.1051/matecconf/201713400014 |
SVK | Scopus | Gejdoš, M., Suchomel, J. (2016) | Potential, prices and resources of raw wood assortments for the pulp and paper industry in central Europe | Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 688, p. 210-217 | 10.4028/ |
SVK | Scopus | Gejdoš, M., Suchomel, J., Potkány, M. (2014) | Software "image J" application in evaluating the quality of extracted raw wood assortments | Drvna Industrija, Vol. 65(2), p. 105-113. | 10.5552/drind.2014.1348 |
SVK | Scopus | Suchomel, J., Gejdoš, M., Ambrušová, L., Šulek, R. (2012) | Analysis of price changes of selected roundwood assortments in some Central Europe countries | Journal of Forest Science, Vol. 58(11), p. 483-491. | |
SVK | Scopus | Gejdoš, M., Suchomel, J. (2013) | Potencial of wood for musical instruments in Slovakia | Akustika, Vol. 20(1), p. 16-23 | |
SVK | Scopus | Paluš, H., Loučanová, E., Kaputa, V. (2015) | Kontrakty a manažment rizika inovačného procesu poskytovateľov lesníckych služieb na Slovensku | Zprávy lesnického výzkumu, roč. 60, č. 1, s. 8-13. | |
SVK | Conference proceedings | Lieskovský, M., Gejdoš, M. (2018) | Production of salix viminalis (L.) with using alternative methods of fertilization | Use of Wood in the Global Bio-Economy (WoodEMA 2018): 361-368 | 978-867299277-9 |
SVK | Conference proceedings | Gejdoš, M., Lieskovský, M., Potkány, M., Nozdrovický, L. (2018) | The future perspectives of spruce and fir wood use in selected countries of the central Europe for wooden constructions | Use of Wood in the Global Bio-Economy (WoodEMA 2018): 160-167 | 978-867299277-9 |
SVK | Conference proceedings | Gejdoš, M., Hitka, M., Potkány, M., Balážová, Ž. (2018) | Analysis of human resources and anthropometric data relating to forestry machine operators in Slovakia | Innovation Management and Education Excellence through Vision 2020 (IBIMA 2018): 2256-2262 | 978-099985510-2 |
SVK | Conference proceedings | Gejdoš, M., Potkány, M. (2017) | The potential of beech wood use in selected countries of the central Europe for valuable processing purposes | More Wood, Better Management, Increasing Effectiveness: Starting Points and Perspective (WoodEMA 2017): 19-24 | 978-802132761-0 |
SVK | Conference proceedings | Gejdoš, M., Potkány, M. (2015) | Development of market with wood in Slovakia and Central Europe | Wood Processing and Furniture Manufacturing Challenges on the World Market and Wood-Based Energy Goes Global (WoodEMA 2015): 1-6 | 978-953578224-7 |
SVK | Conference proceedings | Kaputa, V., Paluš, H. (2014) | Architects and Wood as a Construction Material: A Case of Slovakia | Position and role of the forest based sector in the green economy (WoodEMA, 2014.), p. 63-68 | 978-953-57822-1-6 |
SVK | Conference proceedings | Maťová, H., Kaputa, V., Triznová, M. (2019) | Responsible Consumer in the Context of Circular Economy | Digitalisation and circular economy: forestry and forestry based industry implications (WoodEMA, 2019), p. | 978-954-397-042-1 |
SVK | Conference proceedings | Kaputa, V., Sucháň, R. (2015) | Consumers of Wood Biomass in the Slovak Republic | Wood processing and furniture manufacturing challenges on the world market and Wood-based energy goes global (WoodEMA, 2015) p. 249-254. | 978-953-57822-4-7 |
SVK | Conference proceedings | Kaputa, V., Paluš, H., Parobek, J., Šupín, M., (2011) | Transaction Costs in Contracting Forestry Operations | Development trends in economic and management in wood processing and furniture manufacturing (WoodEMA 2011), p. 83-89. | 978-961-6144-31-5 |
SVK | Conference proceedings | Kaputa, V., Paluš, H., Dzian, M. (2017) | End-Users' Views on Selected Green Properties of Paper Products | More wood, better management, increasing effectiveness: starting points and perspective (WoodEMA, 2017) p. 204-211. | 978-80-213-2761-0 |
SVK | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Suchomel, J., Gejdoš, M. (2008) | Analýza vývoja technických podmienok a cien sortimentov surového dreva | Monography, 130 p. | 978-80-228-1909-1 |
SVK | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Lieskovský, M., Suchomel, J., Gejdoš, M. (2009) | Energetický potenciál vybraných druhov disponibilnej biomasy lesa | Monography, 140 p. | 978-80-228-1988-6 |
SVK | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Suchomel, J., Gejdoš, M. Tuček, J., Jurica, J. (2011) | Analýza náhodných ťažieb dreva na Slovensku | Monography, 72 p. | 978-80-228-2289-3 |
SVK | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Suchomel, J., Gejdoš, M., Tajboš, J. (2013) | Náhodné ťažby v horských lesoch Slovenska | Monography, 119 p. | 978-80-228-2578-8 |
SVK | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Messingerová, V., Lieskovský, M., Gejdoš, M., Slugeň, J., Mokroš, M., Tomaštík, J. (2016) | Technika a technologické postupy pri produkcii biomasy a jej energetickom zhodnotení | Monography, 101 p. | 978-80-228-2934-2 |
SVK | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Kaputa, V., Lapin, K., Leregger, F., Gekic, H. (2020) | Economic Dimensions of Environmental Citizenship | Conceptualizing environmental citizenship for 21st century education. - Cham : Springer, p. 29-48. | 978-3-030-20248-4 |
SVK | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Kaputa, V., Kalamárová, M. (2014) | Use of Wood in the Perspective of Upcoming Architects | Investments to forests and forest based production : scientific book. WoodEMA, p. 59-75 | 978-953-57822-2-3 |
SVK | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Kaputa, V., Loučanová, E., Tejerina Gaite, A. F. (2022) | Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions as a Driver of Social Oriented Innovations | Social Innovation in Higher Education: Landscape, Practices, and Opportunities, Springer International Publishing. | Series ISSN 2197-5698 |
SVK | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Kaputa, V. (2013) | Trh a environmentálne atribúty výrobkov z dreva / Market and Environmental Attributes of Wood Products | Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, 47 p. | 978-80-228-2620-4 |
SVK | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Paluš, H., Kaputa, V., Parobek, J., Šupín, M., Halaj, D., Šulek, R., Fodrek, L. (2011) | Trh s lesníckymi službami / Forest Services Market | Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, 45 p. | 978-80-228-2334-0 |
SVK | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Dzian, M. 2018 | Prognózovanie vývoja dodávok dreva pre slovenský drevospracujúci priemysel | Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, 72 p. | 978-80-228-3102-4 |
SVK | Scientific projects | Gejdoš, M. | VEGA Nr. 1/0031/18. Optimization of technological and work processes and risk assessment in the production of forest biomass for energy purposes. | ||
SVK | Scientific projects | Gejdoš, M. | KEGA 016TUZ-4/2012 Multimedial education centre for better quality production of raw-wood assortments. | ||
SVK | Scientific projects | Lieskovský, M., Gejdoš, M. | KEGA 013TU Z-4/2017 E-learning modules focused on fast growing trees plantations | ||
SVK | Scientific projects | Kaputa, V., Loučanová, E. … | Environmental consumer and environmental citizen | ||
SVK | Scientific projects | Maťová, H., Kaputa, V., Triznová, M. … | Identification of consumers' segments according to their affinity for environmental marketing strategies of business entities in Slovakia | ||
SVK | Scientific projects | Kaputa, V., Paluš, H., Maťová, H., Šupín, M. | COST Action CA16229: European Network for Environmental Citizenship (ENEC) | ||
SVK | Scientific projects | Kaputa, V., Loučanová, E. | Cost Action 18236: Multi-disciplinary innovation for social change | ||
SVK | Professional projects | Parobek, J., Dzian, M., Hlodák, M., Kaputa, V., Loučanová, E., Nosáľová, M., Olšiaková, M., Paluš, H., Rokonalová, A., Slašťanová, K., Šupín, M., Tomić, A., Weberová, A. | Determination of the development of a wood-based bioeconomy | ||
SVK | Professional projects | Paluš. H., Dzian, M., Parobek, J. | Assessment of Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts of Forest Management in Protected Areas in SR on Forestry and Related Industries | ||
SVK | Professional projects | Parobek, J., Čerešňa, R., Dzian, M., Loučanová, E., Olšiaková, M., Paluš, H., Rokonalová, A,. Slašťanová, K. | Comparative advantages of the wood based sector under the growing influence of the green economy principles. | ||
SVK | Professional projects | Paluš, H., Parobek, J., Dzian, M., Kaputa, V., Rokonalová, A., Slašťanová, K., Šupín, M., Slašťanová, N. Šulek, R. | Sustainability of Value Supply Chains and its Impact on the Competitiveness of companies in the Forestry and Forest-based Sectors. | ||
SVK | Professional projects | Loučanová, E., Parobek, J., Dzian, M., Hlodák, M., Kaputa, V., Nosáľová, M., Olšiaková, M., Paluš, H., Rokonalová, A., Slašťanová, K., Šupín, M., Tomić, A., Weberová, A., Krahulcová, M., Dovčíková, A., Triznová, M., Slašťanová, N. | Proposal of a model for the eco-innovation integration into the innovation process of companies in Slovakia in order to increase their performance. | ||
CZE | Conference proceedings | Palátová, P. (2016) | Importance of the wood-processing company Javořice to the region | Region in the Development of the Society: 711-716 | 978-80-7509-459-9 |
CZE | Conference proceedings | Palátová, P., Dudík, R., Hušbauer, J. (2017) | Czech wood and potential of its consumption in the Czech Republic | More Wood, Better Management, Increasing Effectiveness: Starting Points and Perspective (WoodEMA 2017): 33-37 | 978-802132761-0 |
SLO | Current Contents | Pirc, A., Motik, D., Oblak, L., Vlosky, R.P. (2016) | Management activity linkages to innovation deconstruction: An exploratory study of the furniture industry in Croatia | Bioresources, vol. 11, no. 2/2016; 3987-4005 | 10.15376/biores.11.2.3987-4005 |
SLO | Current Contents | Lipušček, I., Bohanec, M., Oblak, L., Zadnik Stirn, L. (2010) | A milti-criteria decision-making model for classifying wood products with respect to their impact on environment | The international journal of life cycle assessment, , vol. 15, no. 4/2010; 359-367 | 10.1007/s11367-010-0157-6 |
SLO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Oblak, L., Glavonjić, B. (2014) | A model for the evaluation of radio advertisements for the sale of timber products | Drvna industrija, vol. 65, no. 4/2014; 303-308 | 10.5552/drind.2014.1357 |
SLO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Oblak, L., Pirc Barčić, A., Klarić, K., Kitek Kuzman, M., Grošelj, P. (2017) | Evaluation of factors in buying decision process of furniture consumers by ahp method | Drvna industrija, vol. 68, no. 1/2017; 37-43 | 10.5552/drind.2017.1625 |
SLO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Oblak, L., Jošt, M. (2011) | Methodology for studying the ecological quality of furniture | Drvna industrija, vol. 62, no. 3/2011; 171-176 | 10.5552/drind.2011.1038 |
SLO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Glavonjić, B., Oblak, L. (2012) | Consumption of woody biomass in industry, commercial and public facilities in Serbia: Present state and possible contribution to the share of renewable sources in final energy consumption | Therm. sci., vol. 16, no. 1/2012; 7-19 | 10.2298/TSCI1201007G |
SLO | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Hrovatin, J., Prekrat, S., Berginc, J., Šernek, M., Zupančič, A., Oblak, L., Medved, S. (2013) | Strength comparision of joints at window frames | Drewno, vol. 56, no. 189/2013; 128-135 | 10.12841/wood.1644-3985.030.09 |
SLO | Scopus | Jelačić, D., Oblak, L., Petrović, S., Moro, M., Pirc Barčić, A., Ćosić, V., Meloska, Ž. (2012) | Wood sector media promotion in some South-East European countries | Drvna industrija, vol. 63, no. 3/2012; 195-203 | 10.5552/drind.2012.1218 |
SLO | Scopus | Hrovatin, J., Širok, K., Jevšnik, S., Oblak, L., Berginc, J. (2012) | Adaptability of kitchen furniture for eldery people in terms of safety | Drvna industrija, vol. 63, no. 2/2012; 113-120 | 10.5552/drind.2012.1128 |
SLO | Scopus | Kitek Kuzman, M., Motik, D., Bičanić, K., Vlosky, R.P., Oblak, L. (2012) | A comparative analysis of consumer atitudes on the use of wood products in Slovenia and Croatia | Drvna industrija, vol. 63, no. 2/2012; 71-79 | 10.5552/drind.2012.1129 |
SLO | Scopus | Oblak, L., Jelačić, D., Motik, D., Grladinović, T. (2008) | A model for stock management in a wood industry company | Wood research, vol. 53, no. 1/2008; 105-116 | |
SLO | Scopus | Oblak, L., Kričej, B., Lipušček, I. (2006) | The comparison of the coating systems according to the basic criteria | Wood research, vol. 51, no. 4/2006; 77-86 | |
SLO | Conference proceedings | Oblak, L., Zupančič, A., Jukič, M. (2013) | Model for the evaluating of television commercials of timber companies | Innovation as the source of values in the forestry wood processing and furniture manufacturing (WoodEMA 2013); 1-6 | |
SLO | Conference proceedings | Oblak, L., Zupančič, A., Kropivšek, J. (2011) | Development of certain areas in the Slovenian furniture industry | Development trends in economics and management in wood processing and furniture manufacturing (WoodEMA 2011); 149-154 | |
SLO | Conference proceedings | Oblak, L., Kropivšek, J., Hrovatin, J., Zupančič, A. (2009) | Effects of purchase decision when buying furniture | Competitiveness of wood processing and furniture manufacturing (WoodEMA 2009); 33-40 | |
SLO | Conference proceedings | Oblak, L., Jošt, M., Zupančič, A., Antolin, D., Kropivšek, J. (2010) | Development of new furniture program for kindergartens | Wood processing and furniture manufacturing : present conditions, opportunities and new challenges (WoodEMA 2010); 157-162 | |
SLO | Conference proceedings | Oblak, L. (2007) | Environment - friendly economic development in interprise | The influence of globalization on foreign trade policy (TU Zvolen 20017); 233-237 | |
SLO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Oblak, L., Tratnik, M., Zadnik Stirn, L. (2000) | Izbira optimalnih ekonomsko-ekoloških odločitev v lesnoindustrijskih sistemih z uporabo metode mehkega ciljnega programiranja | Chapter in scientific book „Rešitve proizvodnih problemov“; 198-202 | 961-6165-10-0 |
SLO | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Jelačić, D., Motik, D., Petrović, S., Oblak, L., Moro. M. (2012) | Image of wood processing and furniture manufacturing in South East Europe | Chapter in scientific book: „Value engineering of production processes"; 83-98 | |
SLO | Scientific projects | Zadnik Stirn, L., Oblak, L. | Development of fuzzy multi-criteria model for planning and management of natural protected areas | ||
SLO | Scientific projects | Mihulja,G., Trajković, J., Jirouš Rajković, J., Oblak, L. | Development of higher education qualifications standards and study programmes on the basis of croqf for wood industry sector | ||
SLO | Scientific projects | Zadnik Stirn, L., Oblak, L. | Matematični model za optimiranje proizvodnje v lesni industriji | ||
SLO | Professional projects | Oblak, L., Kitek Kuzman, M. | Raziskava in analiza trga lesenih stolov | ||
SLO | Professional projects | Oblak, L., Kitek Kuzman, M. | Raziskava trga „Walk in“ omar | ||
SLO | Professional projects | Oblak, L., Kropivšek, J. | Računalniško podprto upravljanje proizvodnje v poslovnem sistemu LIP Bled d.d. – tovarna vrat Rečica | ||
SLO | Professional projects | Tišler, V., Oblak, L. | Varstvo okolja v lesni industriji | ||
SLO | Professional projects | Tratnik, M., Oblak, L., Lipušček, I. | Celostno večkriterialno preučevanje ekološke kakovosti finalnih lesnih izdelkov | ||
BUL | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Georgieva, V. D. (2020) | A study of intangible assets disclosure as factor for sustainability: An evidence from Bulgarian furniture enterprises | Sustainability of forest-based industries in the global economy, Proceedings of scientific papers, WoodEMA, i.a., University of Zagreb, Competence Centre, pp. 221-225 | ISBN: 978-953-57822-8-5 |
BUL | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Georgieva, V. D., Bankova, D. (2020) | Problems in audit and reporting in Bulgaria’s forestry | Sustainability of forest-based industries in the global economy, Proceedings of scientific papers, WoodEMA, i.a., University of Zagreb, Competence Centre, pp. 31-36 | ISBN: 978-953-57822-8-5 |
BUL | Scopus | Georgieva, D. (2019) | Mandatory and voluntary r&d data disclosure: Evidence from Bulgaria | Academy of accounting and financial studies journal, Volume 23, Issue 5, 2019; 1-8 | |
BUL | Scopus | Nurdiono N., Mirfazli, E., Warganegara D.S., Aripin, A., Zahron, A., San Jose, L., Georgieva, D. (2019) | CSR disclosure impact on corporate market performance of Indonesia listed companies (IDX) in trade sector | Accounting and Financial Studies Journal Volume-23-Special Issue-1, 2019; 1-9 | |
BUL | Scopus | Georgieva, V. D., Georgieva, M. T. (2020) | Staff-related disclosures as an element of social policies on the model of Bulgarian Black Sea hotels | Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2020, 28(3), 1084, pp. 1-17 | DOI: 10.46585/sp28031084 |
BUL | Scopus | Popova-Terziyska, R., Neykov, N., & Georgieva, D. V. (2021). | Development of a Model for Monitoring the Needs for Innovation in Furniture Enterprises in Bulgaria | Journal of management Information and Decision Sciences, 24(S5), 1-7 | |
BUL | Scopus | Georgieva, D. V., Georgieva, T. M. (2022) | Challenges for the accounting and reporting of research and development expenditures in Bulgaria | Transnational Corporations Review, pp. 1-16 | 10.1080/19186444.2022.2040270 |
BUL | Scopus | Popova-Terziyska, R., Georgieva, D. V., Neykov, N. (2023) | Needed support for female private forest owners (some results of a survey of danube countries) | Economic Studies Journal (Ikonomicheski Izsledvania), 32(1), pp. 164-179 | |
BUL | Scopus | Georgieva D.V., Neykov N., Barčić A.P., Ćurić P., Klarić K. (2023) | Participation of Bulgarian furniture manufacturing in global and local value chains as a factor supporting their innovation activities | Sustainability, pp. 1-15, 15(17):13260 | |
BUL | Conference proceedings | Bankova, D., Georgieva, V. D. (2022) | Hybrid audit as an innovative approach in the audit practice of forestry | Crisis management and safety foresight in forest-based sector and SMEs operating in the global environment (WoodEMA 2022); 31-36 | 978-953-8446-00-9 |
BUL | Conference proceedings | Gateva, N., Georgieva, V. D., Georgieva, T., Tsakova, I., Jukneviciene, V. (2022) | Assessing the innovation potential of the furniture industry value chain in Bulgaria | Crisis management and safety foresight in forest-based sector and SMEs operating in the global environment (WoodEMA 2022); 85-91 | 978-953-8446-00-9 |
BUL | Conference proceedings | Georgieva, V., D., Georgieva, M., T. (2021) | Study of Social Policies Based on the Example of the Bulgarian Hotels on the Black Sea Coast | Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2020, SHS Web of Conf., 92 (2021) 06009, pp.1-9 | eISSN: 2261-2424 |
BUL | Conference proceedings | Georgieva, D. V., Bankova, D. (2021). | Security and Safety of Tourists as a Factor for Sustainable Tourism, Based on the Example of Bulgarian Black Sea Resorts | Proceedings of CBU in Economics and Business, 2, 48-54 | |
BUL | Conference proceedings | Georgieva, V. D. (2022) | Attitudes, priorities and opportunities for managerial development of female forest professionals and female forest owners in Bulgaria | Crisis management and safety foresight in forest-based sector and SMEs operating in the global environment (WoodEMA 2022); 425-430 | 978-953-8446-00-9 |
BUL | Conference proceedings | Bankova, D. (2018) | Significance of Digitalization to Remove Asymmetric Information in the Economy | 14th International scientific conference of young scientists, “The economy of Bulgaria and the European Union in the digital world”, pp. 350-356 | ISBN 978-954-8590-68-6 |
BUL | Conference proceedings | Bankova, D. (2021) | Changes in the Audit Function | 15th International scientific conference of young scientists, “The economy of Bulgaria and the European Union : circular economy and corporate social responsibility”, pp 414-421 | ISBN 978-619-232-316-5 |
BUL | Conference proceedings | Bankova, D. (2020) | About the Challenges of Cybercrime in the Digital Age | Yearbook UNWE, pp. 109-116 | ISSN (print):1312-5486; ISSN (online): 2534-8949 |
BUL | Conference proceedings | Bankova, D. (2020) | For Certain Features in Auditing to Electronic Money Companies | Yearbook of ICPA, pp.1 – 25 | ISSN: 1314-8990 |
BUL | Conference proceedings | Bankova, D. (2020) | The Reasons Behind the Oversight of the Audit Profession and the Modifications in Audit | International Scientific Conference Organized on the Occasion of 100th Anniversary of the Accountancy and Analysis Department, Accounting and Its Contribution to the Economic Science pp 433-438 | ISBN 978-619-232-278-6 |
BUL | Conference proceedings | Ventsislavova Georgieva, D., Popova-Terziyska, R. (2023) | Modern marketing communications in the forest sector as a factor to increase the added value in terms of COVID-19 | Current trends and challenges for forest-based sector: carbon neutrality and bioeconomy, Proceedings of Scientific Papers, WoodEMA, i.a., pp. 69-72 | ISBN: 978-953-8446-01-6 |
BUL | Conference proceedings | Ventsislavova Georgieva, D., Bankova, D. (2023) | The role of the financial auditor for the participation of forestry enterprises in global value chains | Current trends and challenges for forest-based sector: carbon neutrality and bioeconomy, Proceedings of Scientific Papers, WoodEMA, i.a., pp. 65-68 | ISBN: 978-953-8446-01-6 |
BUL | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Chobanova R., Georgieva, D. (2017) | Innovative ideas for improving attractiveness of forestry sector for women (survey results) | Chapter in scientific book Innovation in forestry, wood processing and furniture manufacturing; 109-120 | 978 953 57822 6 1 |
BUL | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Georgieva, D. (2019) | Structure, content and elements of accounting policies of hotels in Bulgaria | Chapter in scientific book Research, development and education in tourism; 162-180 | (10):1-5275-3719-6 |
BUL | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Georgieva, D. (2018) | СЧЕТОВОДНА ПОЛИТИКА НА ЮРИДИЧЕСКИ ЛИЦА С НЕСТОПАНСКА ЦЕЛ – ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА | Full book; 1-168 | 978-954-9432-80-0 |
BUL | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Georgieva, D., Chobanova R. (2018) | ЗАЕТОСТ НА ЖЕНИТЕ В ГОРСКИЯ СЕКТОР, ГОРСКИЯТ СЕКТОР В БЪЛГАРИЯ И МАКЕДОНИЯ | Chapter in scientific book ИИИ при БАН; 141-151 | 978-954-931 |
BUL | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Bankova, D. (2021) | Control in the management of insurance companies | full book pp.1-159 | 978-619-239-584-1 |
BUL | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Bankova, D. (2019) | Methodological aspects of public oversight over the auditing profession | full book pp.1-183 | 978-619-232-188-8 |
BUL | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Peycheva. М. Veysel, А. Dineva, V., Bashev, Ya. Bankova, D., Lyutakova, А. (2018) | Еxamination of the role of controls, internal audit, financial audit and human resources in combating fraud | chapter in a scientific book, pp 235-268 | 978-619-7194-26-5 |
BUL | Scientific projects | Georgieva, D., Chobanova, R., Popova, R. | Innovative cooperation initiatives in cross border region (ICI) | ||
BUL | Scientific projects | Gateva, N., Georgieva, V. D., Georgieva, T., Tsakova, I., Jukneviciene, V. | Development and implementation of a model for assessing the innovation potential of global value chains as a basis for increasing regional competitiveness. Financed by the National Science Fund, contract No КП-06-Н55/8 from 16.11.2021 | ||
BUL | Scientific projects | Georgieva, V. D., Georgieva, M. T., Vodenska, M., Popova, N., Alexova, D., Alexandrova, E. | Project „Model Development and Testing for Monitoring and Evaluation of Sustainable Tourism Development in Bulgaria (after the example of national resorts)“ financed by the National Fund „Scientific Research“, contract No КП-06-Н25/3 from 13.12.2018. Beneficiary – International business school, Botevgrad, Bulgaria. | ||
BUL | Scientific projects | Georgieva, V. D., Georgieva, M. T. | Hidden innovations: A study of research and innovation activity remaining uncaptured by official statistics. Implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. Beneficiary – ARC Fund, Bulgaria ( | ||
BUL | Scientific projects | Georgieva, D., Chobanova, R. | Forests in Women’s Hands, Project Acronym - Fem4Forest. Progect code: DTP3-500-1.2 Fem4Forest. Start date - 01.07.2020, end date - 31.12.2022. Financed by the Danube transnational programme | ||
BUL | Scientific projects | Gateva, N., Georgieva, V. D., Georgieva, T., Tsakova, I., Jukneviciene, V. | »Development and implementation of a model for assessing the innovation potential of global value chains as a basis for increasing regional competitiveness« financed by the National Science Fund, contract No КП-06-Н55/8 from 16.11.2021. Beneficiary International business school | ||
BUL | Professional projects | Georgieva, V., D., Chobanova, R. | Forests in Women’s Hands, Project Acronym - Fem4Forest. Progect code: DTP3-500-1.2 Fem4Forest. Start date - 01.07.2020, end date - 31.12.2022. Financed by the Danube transnational programme. | ||
BUL | Professional projects | Georgieva, V., D., Georgieva, T., Stefanov, R., Benov. V., Uzunov, K. | Project ADMA TRANS4MERS, Call: H2020-INNOSUP-2020-08, Ref./Contract no 101037866, Programme H2020-2018-2020, Duration - 36 months. Partners: 38 partners from 27 EU countries (project coordinator: Irish Manufacturing Research). | ||
BUL | Professional projects | Georgieva, V., D., Georgieva, T., Stefanov, R., Galev, T., Yalamov, T., Benov, V. | Development of an online interactive platform "", contract № 11IF-02-4 / 01.12.2020, funded by the Executive Agency for Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (BSMEPA). Project duration 11.12.2020 - 31.05.2022 | ||
BUL | Professional projects | Georgieva, V., D., Georgieva, T., Stefanov, R., Benov. V., Uzunov, K. | Project ADMA TRANS4MERS, Call: H2020-INNOSUP-2020-08, Ref./Contract no 101037866, Programme H2020-2018-2020, Duration - 36 months. Partners: 38 partners from 27 EU countries (project coordinator: Irish Manufacturing Research). | ||
BUL | Professional projects | Georgieva, V., D., Georgieva, T., Uzunov, K., Georgieva, R., Georgiev, E. | National project no. BG05SFOP001-2.025-0231 "Analysis of the implementation of the Operational Plan for the first stage 2018-2022 of the National Strategy for the Development of Scientific Research in the Republic of Bulgaria 2017-2030 and a proposal for its update in view of the new European policies and the achieved impact in solving of public challenges", financed by Operational Program "Good governance" under procedure BG05SFOP001-2.025 "Increasing civil participation in the processes of implementation and monitoring of policies and legislation". Member of the team as an expert on science policy. Project duration 18 months from 16.08.2022 Beneficiary ARC Foundation | ||
SRB | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Petrović, S., Jelačić, D. (2013) | Značaj feed-in tarifa za potrošnju drvnih peleta u odabranim zemljama Evropske unije i njihov razvoj u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope (Significance of feed-in charges on consumption of pelets in some EU countries and their development in some South-East Europan countries) | Šumarstvo 2013, no. 3-4/2013, 203-218, | |
SRB | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Petrović, S., Sretenović, P. (2012) | Analysis of Legislation and Certification System for the Purpose of Assessing the Compliance of Quality of Wood Fuels in Serbia and their Contribution to Sustainable Development | “Sustainable Land Management and Climate Changes” Land Conservation - LANDCON 1209 | |
SRB | Conference proceedings | Petrović, S. (2020) | The Role of China in Sustainable Market Supply of the EU with Wood Windows and Doors | Sustainability of Forest Based Industries in the Global Economy (WoodEMA, 2020) 151-156 | 978-953-57822-8-5 |
SRB | Conference proceedings | Petrović, S., Džinčić, I. (2019) | The EU-28 Market of Upholstered Wooden Chairs | Digitalisation and Circular Economy: Forestry and Forestry Based Industry Implications (WoodEMA, 2019) 303-308 | 978-954-397-042-1 |
SRB | Conference proceedings | Petrović, S., Jelačić, D., Bego, M. (2018) | Actual State at the EU-28 Market Clothes Hangers of Wood | Increasing the Use of Wood in the Global Bio-Economy (WoodEMA, 2018) 96-106 | 978-86-7299-277-9 |
SRB | Conference proceedings | Dušak, M., Jelačić, D., Petrović, S. (2017) | AHP Analysis of Wood Processing Production Management System in Some South East European Countries | More Wood, Better Management, Increasing Effectiveness: Starting Points and Perspective (WoodEMA, 2017) 1-4 | 978-80-213-2761-0 |
SRB | Conference proceedings | Petrović, S., (2016) | European Eco Labels for Wood Flooring | The Path Forward for Wood Products: A Global Perspective (WoodEMA, 2017) 75-84 | 978-0-692-76612-5 |
SRB | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Petrović, S. (2018) | Scenarios and Effects of Substitution Fossil Fuels with Wood Pellets in Serbia in the Function of Climate Change Mitigation | Chapter in scientific book: “Soil and Water Resources Protection in the Changing Environment” 133-149 | 978-3-510-65418-5 |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Riedl, M., Jarský, V., Palátová, P., Sloup, R. (2019) | The challenges of the forestry sector communication based on an analysis of research studies in the Czech Republic | Forests, 10(11), 935. | DOI:10.3390/f10110935 |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Riedl, M., Jarský, V., Zahradník, D., Palátová, P., Dudík, R., Meňházová, J., Šišák. L. (2020) | Analysis of significant factors influencing the amount of collected forest berries in the Czech Republic. | Forests, 11(10), 1114. | DOI: 10.3390/f11101114 |
CZE | Scopus | Palátová, P. (2019) | Value added in sawmilling industry in the Czech Republic | Central European Forestry Journal, 65 (1): 60-65 | 10.2478/forj-2019-0002 |
CZE | Conference proceedings | Palátová, P., Dudík, R.(2018) | Selected economic indicators of sawmilling and paper production industry in the Czech Republic | Increasing the Use of Wood in the Global Bio-Economy (WoodEMA 2018): 155-159 | 978-86-7299-277-9 |
CZE | Conference proceedings | Dudík, R., Palátová, P., Riedl, M. (2019) | The opportunity of using chain of custody of forest based products in the bioeconomy | Digitalisation and Circular Economy: Forestry and Forestry Based Industry Implications (WoodEMA 2019): 51-54 | ISBN: 978-954397042-1 |
CZE | Conference proceedings | Dudík, R., Palátová, P., Borůvka. V., Riedl, M. (2018) | The prices and utilization of birch and beech raw wood in the Czech Republic – a bioeconomic dimension | Increasing the Use of Wood in the Global Bio-Economy (WoodEMA 2018): 90-95 | 978-86-7299-277-9 |
CZE | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Dudík, R., Palátová, P., Jarský, V., Riedl, M., Červený, L. (2020) | Management of selected requirements in the furniture industry of the Czech Republic | Management aspects in forest based industries. WoodEMA, i.a: 67-89 | ISBN 978-953-57822-7-8. |
CZE | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Kupčák, V., Polster, P., Šišák, L., Palátová, P. (2020) | Česká akademie zemědělských věd a čtvrtstoletí Komise lesnické ekonomiky. | Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 310 pgs | ISBN 978-80-7414-203-1. |
CZE | Scientific book chapters / Monographies | Riedl, M., Šišák, L., Dudík, R., Jarský, V., Palátová, P. (2019) | 25 let výzkumu nedřevních lesních produktů. Kostelec nad Černými lesy | Lesnická práce, 80 pgs | ISBN 978-80-7458-119-9. |
CZE | Scientific projects | Palátová, P. | Internal grant of Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences CZU – „IGA“ Socio-economic and regional importance of the wood-procesing company Javořice, a.s. (2016) | ||
CZE | Scientific projects | Leader:Slovenian forestry institute (Krajnć, N.); 14 partners/FFWS CZU – Palátová, Dudík, Hrib, Jankovský, Jarský, Riedl | Forests in women´s hands (Interreg Danube) 2020-2022[1] | | |
CZE | Scientific projects | Leader: FFWS CZU/ Riedl, M. | Communication as a tool to harmonize the needs of society and the forestry sector (2019-2021)[2] | Responsibility: FFWS CZU – Riedl, M./team member | |
CZE | Scientific projects | Leader: FGMI, other: FFWS/Jarský, V. | Sustainable management in the forests of small owners (2021-2023)[3] | Responsibility: Forestry and Game Management Institute, also FFWS CZU – Jarský, V./team member | |
CZE | Professional projects | Dudík, R., Palátová, P., Jarský, V. | Comparison of selected articles of national forest certification standards by the FSC system of the Czech Republic, the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany (2018)[1] | [1] Part of a project „Elaboration of an overview and evaluation of the issue of forest certification in Europe“ (2018)/Ministry of Agriculture | |
CZE | Professional projects | Palátová, P., Dudík, R. | Information on state forest management in selected European countries (2017)[2] | [2] Part of a project „Comparison of basic parameters of organizations processing state forests in selected European countries“ (2017)/Ministry of Agriculture | |
CZE | Professional projects | Dudík R., Riedl, M., Hušbauer, J., Palátová, P., Zahradník, D., Michalec, J. | Price analysis of raw wood assortments in the Czech Republic and neighbring countries in the period 2012-2015 (2016)[3] | [3] Part of a project „Model of the development of wood prices on the basis of an analysis of available data obtained during standing auctions held in the Czech Republic“(2016)/Grant Service of the Forests of the Czech Republic, state enterprise (Lesy České republiky) | |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Rinn, R., Jankovský, M., Palátová, P., García-Jácome, S.P., Sharp, A., Wangpakapattanawong, P., Lovrić, N., Van, M.V., Nhat, M.D.T., Ninchaleune, B., Chanthavong, I., Doungmala, K. (2024) | Bioeconomy in countries of the Mekong region: Stakeholder understanding and perceptions in Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos | Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 162, 103190. | DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2024.103190 |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Purwestri, R.C., Palátová, P., Hájek, M. et al. (2023) | Public perception of the performance of Czech forest ecosystem services | Environ Sci Eur 35, 89. | DOI: 10.1186/s12302-023-00802-8 |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Purwestri, R.C., Hochmalová, M., Hájek, M., Palátová, P., Jarský, V., Huertas-Bernal, D.C., Perdana, M.C., García-Jácome, S.P., Lusiana, B., Riedl, M. (2023) | From recreational to income generating opportunities: assessment of public preferences for non-wood forest products in the Czech Republic | Front. Nutr. 10:1193203 | DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1193203 |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Palátová, P., Rinn, R., Machoň, M., Paluš, H., Purwestri, R.C., Jarský, V. (2023) | Sharing economy in the forestry sector: Opportunities and barriers | Forest Policy and Economics, Vol. 154, 103000 | DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2023.103000 |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Marcineková, L., Palátová, P., Výbošťok, J., Jarský, V., Riedl, M., Giertliová, B., Dudík, R., Šálka, J. (2023) | Students’ perception of bioeconomy as an important factor in communicating and further development of the bioeconomy in Slovakia and the Czech Republic | Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research | DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2023.2211806 |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Rinn, R., Palátová, P., Kalábová, M., Jarský, V. (2023) | Forest Bioeconomy from the Perspectives of Different EU Countries and Its Potential for Measuring Sustainability | Forests 2023, 14, 33. | |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Červená, T., Jarský, V., Červený, L., Palátová, P., Sloup, R. (2023) | Ecosystem Services in the Context of Agroforestry—Results of a Survey among Agricultural Land Users in the Czech Republic | Forests 2023, 14, 30. | |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Palátová, P., Purwestri, R. C., Marcineková, L., (2022) | Forest bioeconomy in three European countries: Finland, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic | International Forestry Review, 24(4), pp. 594-606. | |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Červený, L., Sloup, R., Červená, T., Riedl, M., Palátová, P. (2022) | Industry 4.0 as an Opportunity and Challenge for the Furniture Industry—A Case Study | Sustainability 2022, 14, 13325. | |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Jarský, V., Palátová, P., Riedl, M., Zahradník, D., Rinn, R., Hochmalová, M. (2022) | Forest Attendance in the Times of COVID-19—A Case Study on the Example of the Czech Republic | Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 2529. | |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Dudík, R., Palátová, P., Jarský, V. (2021) | Restoration of Declining Spruce Stands in the Czech Republic: a Bioeconomic View on Use of Silver Birch in Case of Small Forest Owners | Austrian Journal of Forest Science, 2021, 4, 375–394. | |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Huertas Bernal, D.C., Purwestri, R.C., Perdana, M.C., Hájek, M., Tahri, M., Palátová, P., Hochmalová, M. (2021) | Societal Implications of Forest and Water Body Area Evolution in Czechia and Selected Regions | Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 4019. | DOI: 10.3390/rs13194019 |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Purwestri, R.C., Hájek, M., Hochmalová, M., Palátová, P., Huertas Bernal, D.C., Gárcia-Jácome, S., Jarský, V., Kašpar, J., Riedl, M., Marušák, R. (2021) | The role of Bioeconomy in the Czech national forest strategy: a comparison to Sweden | International Forestry Review, 23 (4), 492-510(19) | DOI: 10.1505/146554821834777260 |
CZE | Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) | Palátová P., Kupčák V. (2022) | Forest economics within the activities of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences | J. For. Sci., 68: 377–384. |
- The Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius,
Trnava, Slovakia - Faculty of Management of Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa, Poland
- Faculty of Design and Technologies of Furniture and Interior, Skopje, Macedonia
- Institute of Management, University of Ss Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia