Association Management


Matej Jošt, Ph.D.
Matej Jošt, Ph.D.

Short Biography

Candidate for President

Slavica Petorvić, Ph.D.
Slavica Petorvić, Ph.D.

Short Biography

Executive Board Members

Petra Palátová, Ph.D.
Petra Palátová, Ph.D.

Ján Parobek, Ph.D.
Ján Parobek, Ph.D.

Daniela Georgieva, Ph.D.
Daniela Georgieva, Ph.D.

Short Biography Short Biography Short Biography

Supervisory Board

Richard P. Vlosky, Ph.D.
Richard P. Vlosky, Ph.D.

Živka Meloska, Ph.D.
Živka Meloska, Ph.D.

Branko Glavonjić, Ph.D.
Branko Glavonjić, Ph.D.

Short Biography Short Biography Short Biography

General Secretary

Prof. Denis Jelačić, Ph.D.
Denis Jelačić, Ph.D.

Short Biography

WoodEMA Members

WoodEMA i.a. - List of members  (pdf  )

Short history of WoodEMA, i.a.

WoodEMA i.a. - Short History  (pdf  )

About Association

International Association for Economics and Management in Wood Processing and Furniture Manufacturing WoodEMA, i.a. is international, non-political, non-profitable and open Association. Association was founded in september 2007 and it was registered in december 2007.
Association's goal is to promote science and results of scientific and professional work of its members, mutual scientific co-operation, as well as to support the science and professional development in the Association's field of work.

To achieve these goals the Association is working on following:

  • Exchange of knowledge and researh results among members by organizing conferences and publishing articles in journals and proceedings
  • Support mutual scientific cooperation among Association’s members through elaboration of scientific projects
  • Support the development of scientific and professional organizations in Association's fields of expertise
  • Scientific and professional education by organizing scientific and professional symposiums
  • Collecting and exchange of market, technological and technical data

Every physical and legal person who accepts the Statute and the Acting Code of the Association can become a member. The Statute and all additional information may be found on the web site: Your questions and suggestions you may send to e-mail address of the Association secretary,  prof. Denis Jelačić, PhD.: