Wood and Furniture Industry in Times of Change: New Trends and Challenges

WoodEMA 2012, Trnava, Slovakia (click to enlarge)

Proceedings (full version - PDF ~ 7 Mb )

PRESENTATIONS AND PRESENTERS - according to program:

  Thursday, June 7th
  Conference session #1

  Moderator: Darko Motik, Alena Kusá

  • Jelačić D., Pirc Barčić A., Ćošić V.
    Promotion of Croatian wood industry branch
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  • Jošt M., Oblak L., Zupančič A., Kos J.
    Use of elements of the marketing communications mix in Slovenian furniture companies
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  • Stasiak-Betlejewska R., Borkowski S.
    Cluster as an element supporting passive wooden building development
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  • Sujová A., Rajnoha R.
    Evaluation of competitive factors in Slovak wood processing enterprises as the base for business performance management
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  • Rodharth K.
    Chances and boundaries of community based innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises – based on the study of wood-processing companies
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  • Teplická K.
    Creation of calculated price in custom manufacturing of furniture
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  • Bobovnický A.
    Sustainability model for wood processing industry in unstable business environment
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  • Novotný J.
    Jatropha tree as a versatile source
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  Thursday, June 7th
  Conference session #2

  Moderator: Leon Oblak, Rudolf Rybanský

  • Moro M., Motik D., Pirc Barčić A., Oblak L.
    Models for forecasting the imports and exports of furniture
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  • Perić I., Ojurović R., Grladinović T., Bičanić K., Greger K.
    Increasing the competitive advantage by investing into energy efficient wood processing and furniture manufacture technologies
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  • Posavec S., Beljan K., Šporčić M., Landekić M.
    Corporate governance in forestry
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  • Kropivšek J., Oblak L., Grošelj P., Zupančič A.
    Development of competency model for wood industry
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  • Bičanić K., Greger K., Grladinović T., Perić I., Ćosić V.
    Certification documentation for responsible forest management in practice
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  • di Taranto A.
    Behavior of a wooden passive building in an earthquake area over time. Durability aspects
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  • Šebelová E.
    Costs and prices estimation of furniture products using CAD Module applications
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  • Kindl P.
    Odours emitted by furniture upholstery materials
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  Friday, June 8th
  Conference session #3

  Moderator: Anna Zaušková

  • Badida P.
    Business angel – the innovative form of financing of target furniture company and the chance for the usage of the professional coaching also
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  • Štěpánek J., Najbrt T.
    The position of wood industry CR and its current economic problems
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  • Tončíková Z.
    Need for integration of ecodesign in the process of shaping the personality of furniture designer
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  • Abdrabou L.
    Wood houses – the challenge to taste new style of living and added luxury to adore Slovak nature
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  • Rybanský R., Ondrušová M.
    The changes of tools structure of marketing communication in the furniture industry
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  • Kintlerová I.
    The impact on personnel marketing companies in the woodworking industry
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  • Vadkertiová A.
    The third role of universities and its benefits in the woodworking industry
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